Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Most people feel Anxiety at some time in life. Anxiety is related to a natural response of the body to potentially threatening situations. When danger is sensed, the nervous system releases adrenaline and cortisone into the blood stream, causing rapid heart beat, shallow and rapid breathing, tensing of the muscles and heightened alertness, all of which ready the mind and body for action. However, when this response is not connected to a real danger, or is more severe or longer lasting than necessary, it is diagnosed as Anxiety disorder.

General Anxiety disorder is defined as an inexplicable feeling of apprehension or worry over events and situations that are normal and everyday. Although we all worry needlessly about things, with general Anxiety disorder the worry is excessive and prolonged (more than 6 months) and interferes with one's daily activity. People with this disorder have trouble concentrating, are unable to relax, often have insomnia, frequently feel tired and irritable, and suffer from headaches, chest pain, nausea, and other physical symptoms. This disorder most often develops in early adulthood, but can begin in childhood or adolescence. Twice as many women than men are diagnosed with this disorder.

Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology: Instant Relief in a Natural Way

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who brought the Transcendental Meditation technique to the world more than 50 years ago, has revived and systematized Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology. The word "Vedic" means pertaining to Veda, the field of Pure Knowledge or Total Knowledge of Natural Law.

For thousands of years, Veda and the Vedic Literature have been held to be the expression of the Total Knowledge of Natural Law. According to tradition, the Vedic sounds contained in Veda are the fundamental vibrations which structure the material universe, including the human body. Through a tender impulse of Vedic vibration, pain can be transformed into a feeling of pleasantness and abnormality can be transformed into normal physiological functioning.