In the early 60's, a prickling pain in my chest led me to the doctor, who said the problem was in my head after giving me a thorough physical. I was prescribed a major tranquilizer, Stelazine. "Take one a day," he said. I did so faithfully till the bottle was empty, 30 days later. A day later, I went through withdrawal. It was a very weird feeling, and I didn't know whether to stand up, sit down, or fly. Struggling with panic, I got my doctor on the line. His reply was, "Oh, you'll be OK." I told myself, 'Never Again. Never again would I let them mess with my brain chemistry.'
I have worked in hospitals, doctors' offices, nursing homes and emergency rooms, where the drugs flow like water, almost never resolving the fundamental problem, and typically causing another problem to surface.
I have witnessed first-hand state and city mental Health clinics handing out free antidepressants. Some people are on so many medications they have to purchase a pill separator box, labeled with date and time to take which pill. Poison on top of poison. What if we could treat psychological problems non invasively? In other words, no poisons, knives, or needles.
The 'what if' is here. Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology is quite powerful, in the here and now, healing practically overnight. It is a very quiet relaxing program using vibrational sounds for transforming the physiology back to its natural healthy state.
And it works, according to the people who have tried it for their own psychological discomforts. Some of the adjectives used by the participants describing their program for anxiety include: enlivened, calm, very relaxed, intelligence stimulated, soothed, strong and centered.
These experiences have now been researched by David Scharf, Ph.D. He has collected feedback from hundreds of participants and summarized the results. Most of the conditions were long standing, 14 years on average. Within 4–5 days, 66% said that they had gained 25 to 100% relief from their symptoms. Participants filed some 282 numerical estimates of their percent improvement under the category of Mental Disorders, reporting an average 50.6% improvement after the third session. The mental disorders studied included insomnia, phobia, forgetfulness, anger, depression, anxiety, emotional instability, and grief. Of these sub-categories, grief ranked the highest in average percentage of improvement, with 68.38%. Emotional instability ranked second, with 57.73%.
Dr. Ragnhild Boes, a psychologist who is studying these findings, and who has gone through the program herself, states, "In my own session with the experts, it was a great delight to find that this technology was applied in such an easy, effortless manner. I felt very soothed, nourished, and comforted."
Traditional medical doctors and psychologists are impressed: Dr. Robert Boyer, a clinical psychologist said, "These initial findings suggest that this technology can produce significant healing effects on both the mind and body in a manner that is fast acting, non intrusive, free of side effects, simple to administer, broadly applicable and cost effective. I don't know of any other new approach with such potential impact in relieving widespread human suffering."
And how does it work? "A very profound holistic approach would operate at the unified basis of intelligence, from where all of the psychological, biological, physiological and behavioral processes emerge," said Dr. Boyer. "An orderly influence at this fundamental level is capable of removing disorders simultaneously on the level of mind, body and behavior. This is what Vedic Vibrations are designed to do."
This program gets into the foundation of our being, our cosmic psyche, thus treating the reason for the dis-ease, not the symptoms like modern medicine does. Dr. Boes says, "Maharishi Vedic Vibrations is applied at a fundamental level, the level of sound or frequencies at a silent level of awareness. All of matter including the universe and the human body is constituted of various frequencies. If sound or music therapy can have beneficial effects, it would be no surprise that this can produce beneficial effects."
Not only does this program help people with psychological discomforts, but has proven effective for those whose physical problems, such as arthritis, may in part be emotionally based. "Nothing in my 30 years of clinical practice as a rheumatologist could have prepared me for the magnitude and scope of relief provided within minutes to sufferers of chronic diseases who participated in the first public demonstration of Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology in Berlin, Lille and Paris in November 1997," said D. Edward Smith, MD,F.A.C.P., Board Certified Internist and Rheumatologist and Dean of Maharishi College of Vedic Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico. "In helping Professor Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D. to conduct this controlled double-blind study, I was amazed to see the surprise and delight of arthritics free of pain for the first time in years or even decades. That the study was carefully controlled for expectation convinced me that the phenomenon was real and of paradigm shattering significance. Modern medicine is not going to be the same."
These initial research results give a glimpse of how vibrational sounds can help mend our bodies. This technology is a very powerful non-invasive approach which has the potential to help many people to be relieved of their suffering, especially in the realm of psychological discomfort. We have come a long way in helping people heal these ills in a very basic, naturally easy and holistic way without altering their brain chemistry.