On the evening of January 15, 1998, Virginia Sendor was riding comfortably in a limousine from her home in Long Island to Manhattan, when suddenly it was struck from behind. For the next 18 months, she endured disability, pain, severe loss of balance, and surgery. Relief magazine interviewed Virginia to hear the story of her recovery.
Relief: What did you do after the accident?
Virginia: I didn't go to the hospital because I wanted to be with my husband, who was to receive the prestigious Joachim lifetime award in the field of graphic arts. I was in a daze, but I wasn't bleeding, so I was driven to the event. On the way home I was so disoriented I could hardly walk.
Relief: Did you see a doctor?
Virginia: First thing the next morning my doctor scheduled tests — MRI's, a brain scan, everything. I also saw a neurologist, Dr. Gary Kaplan, who confirmed that I had post-concussion syndrome, vertigo, and vestibular dysequilibrium. I had to walk with a cane.
There were also problems with my left hand and forearm which required major surgery in March of 1999. After the surgery I could not walk without using a quad cane, a cane with four legs.
Relief: You had good results from your sessions in Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology. What happened?
Virginia: My husband drove me there the first two days, Saturday and Sunday. There were a few steps in front of the building that were very difficult for me to navigate. With the quad cane I had to walk sideways. It was really something. Then I could hardly get up on the table. Two people had to help me.
On Monday, the third day, I got up on the table unassisted. After the session I realized I did not need a cane. It was like a miracle. I have not used the cane since.
Relief: What did your doctors think about all this?
Virginia: When I first told my internist what I planned to do, I thought he might be annoyed with me, but he said, "Try it. If it works, go for it."
The next time I saw him, I said, "Guess what happened after the third session?"
He said, "I know what happened. You threw away your cane."
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Well, I can see how you're walking. You hopped up on the examination table. Look at how you're moving around."
Relief: What was your husband's reaction?
Virginia: My husband said to me the other day, "Do you realize you can get in and out of the car? You're swift. You're up and down the stairs." It's amazing that I can do all these things without worrying about my balance. It's wonderful.
The other thing is that I am able to think better now. My head is not as fuzzy as it has been since the accident. When I start doing things, I'm faster and get more done in less time. Exactly four weeks after my consultation, with my doctor's permission I'm driving again.
Relief: Did you enjoy the sessions?
Virginia: Oh yes. At first I was apprehensive, but they were so peaceful and relaxing. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. By the third session, time went by so fast that it seemed as if I had just started when it was all finished.
Relief: Would you do it again?
Virginia: Absolutely. I'm already scheduled to go again.