Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Step 2 of 3: Statement of Understanding

Please note the following important points:

  • Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology is a non-medical approach to enlivening the body's inner intelligence. The programme is one aspect of the comprehensive health care system known as Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health.
  • Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology makes use of Vedic sounds by trained experts to help establish normal functioning by restoring the body's own self-repair mechanisms.
  • The programme is administered in the course of one to three sessions by experts trained in the oral Vedic tradition as authenticated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
  • The expert first generates the sounds in his or her own consciousness and then administers it in the traditional way, by blowing on and/or touching the appropriate area of the body. The participant may be asked to remove an article of clothing or partially disrobe to expose the affected area to the vibration.
  • The experts do not examine, diagnose or practice medicine, nor do they refer anyone to health care practitioners or specialists for such services.
  • This consultation is not intended as a replacement for any medical care you may be receiving now, in the past or may be receiving in the future. It is advised that everyone continue to follow the recommendations of his or her family doctor or specialist. In case of improvement of the condition, you are advised to consult a physician before reducing, changing or discontinuing any treatment being received.
  • Although many people report significant improvement, no promises or warranties are made that any particular goal, result or benefit will be produced by the consultation. The fee is paid in consideration of the services provided and is not contingent upon the attainment of any particular result.

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